Rural Resiliency Initiative
Since 1985, Community Futures have been a first responder for BC businesses facing industry and economic disruption. We understand that entrepreneurs and businesses have distinct needs that require immediate attention. With our help, communities across BC have been able to leverage recovery funds from government, save jobs, and move towards economic recovery.
Economic Disaster Response & Recovery (EDRR) Management
When disaster strikes, who looks after entrepreneurs and businesses?
The Rural Resiliency Initiative (RRI) is CFBC's mechanism to mobilize the expertise and experience in the Community Futures network of B.C. to provide support for businesses in rural B.C. communities before, during and after economic disruptions and disasters.
We provide:
- Economic Disaster Response & Recovery (EDRR) management for rural BC municipalities
- Disaster relief & recovery services for rural BC entrepreneurs
- Ongoing business resiliency services for BC entrepreneurs
Activities are carried out by CFBC's Economic Quick Response & Recovery Team (EQRRT), whose role is to provide support to partners, governments and CF member offices to facilitate and coordinate effective economic-focused emergency response and recovery efforts for rural B.C. businesses.
The EQRRT can be activated at a moment's notice, starting a community-led economic recovery process that provides communication, direction and support for businesses. Together with government and partners, we demonstrate to entrepreneurs that their community has a plan and is taking swift action to roll out supports.
Why Community Futures? Community Futures has been leading high-profile, complex response and recovery processes for businesses in rural and remote BC since 1985. Our approach works because it integrates with existing 'best practices' recovery approaches and is led by a established, trusted organization that is already integrated within rural BC communities.
How we help
- Economic Disaster Response & Recovery (EDRR) management for rural BC municipalities
- Economic emergency leadership and expertise from our in-house Economic Quick Response & Recovery Team
- Corporate Supply Arrangement with the Ministry’s Community Recovery Branch, which pre-qualifies CFBC to provide economic recovery supports to communities
How we help
- Economic emergency management tools, resources and supports from our in-house Economic Quick Response & Recovery Team (before, during and after an emergency)
- Guidance to ensure your CF office can operate when disaster is anticipated or underway
- Supports to share with businesses to build economic emergency resilience
How we help
- Disaster relief & recovery supports from myCommunityFutures
- Business resiliency capacity development from myCommunityFutures
- Emergency Preparedness resources
Building Back After a Disaster: The 2018 Flood in Grand Forks
Video Credit: The Government of British Columbia’s Ministry of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness.
Rural Resiliency Initiative Manager and General Manager of Community Futures Boundary, Jennifer Wetmore, shares her experience of the 2018 flooding in Grand Forks. The CF Boundary team, the City of Grand Forks, the Regional District of Kootenay-Boundary, and the Province of British Columbia came together to support impacted businesses.