Market Expansion

Entrepreneurs of small and medium-sized businesses operating anywhere in British Columbia.
Increases profitability
- Leads to economies of scale and decreased cost per unit
- Increases profit margins
Fosters innovation
- Enhances competitiveness to stand out in the market
Diversifies your customer base
- Expands your target market
- Broadens your product offering
- Offsets seasonal fluctuations in sales
How soon should I be expected to start exporting?
Becoming "export ready" is a very individual process and it takes time. There is no one-size-fits all approach so timelines vary. Your Business Advisor and you will be working towards your export goal together.
How do I know if I am ready to export?
There are several tell-tale signs.
- Is your business stable and in a position to scale up operations?
- Are you willing to commit time and energy to the export process now, so that you can be rewarded later?
- Are you open to cultural differences?
- Are you willing to adapt the nature of your goods or services?
- Are you able to self-fund your growth, or can you access financing?
Is there a cost to be part of this program?
No. All Export Navigator services are provided free of charge. However, if you are referred to a 3rd partty service provider they may apply a fee for their services. In those instances you would have the choice to opt in or opt out.
How long does it take to find out if I qualify?
After you complete your Self Assessment an Export Advisor will conduct an in-office Busines Assessment to determine whether your business is the right fit for the Export Navigator program. Advisor availability varies but we do everything we can to be as timely as possible.
Contact Export Navigator
Additional Services for Business Owners

Owners of businesses located in most parts of BC are eligible to participate in free Workshops from myCommunityFutures. Visit myCommunityFutures to create an account and check eligibility. Priority for other services from myCommunityFutures, such as Consulting, is assigned to businesses that have been impacted by a disaster.
Advice about exporting into new markets is best received through an Advisor with Export Navigator.
What to Expect
The Export Navigator program connects businesses to regional Export Advisors with advanced knowledge of Canada's export process. You can rely on your Export Advisor's specialized knowledge to smoothly guide you through the export process, using the most up to date resources and information.
Services include:
- Export readiness assessment
- Business needs assessment
- Customized export advising and guidance
- Access to market information
- Export workbook and information
- Connections to other experts in business development
- Streamlined connections with other service providers
- Ongoing support in exporting
Find Your Export Advisor
Vancouver Island, Gulf Islands & Powell River
(Based in Port Alberni)
Community Futures Alberni-Clayoquot
Direct: 250.585.6004
Office: 250.724.1241
4757 Tebo Ave., Port Alberni, BC V9Y 8A9
Kootenays & Okanagan
Community Futures Central Kootenay
Direct: 250.354.7857
Office: 250.828.9833
201-514 Vernon St., Nelson, BC V1L 4E7
North Okanagan (Based in Vernon)
Community Futures North Okanagan
Office: 250.545.2215
3105 33 St., Vernon, BC V1T 9P7
Pacific Northwest (Based in Prince Rupert)
Community Futures Pacific Northwest
Office: 250.622.2332
100-515 Third Ave. West, Prince Rupert, BC V8J 1L9
Cariboo (Based in Prince George)
Community Futures Fraser Fort George
Direct: 250.552.3547
Office: 250.562.9622
1566 Seventh Ave., Prince George, BC V2L 394
North East BC (Based in Dawson Creek)
Community Futures Peace Liard
Direct: 250.261.3148
Office: 1.800.661.2055
904-102 Ave., Dawson Creek, BC V1G 2B7
Women-owned Businesses
Women’s Enterprise
Office: 800.643.7014
Suite 54, 601 West Cordova Street Vancouver, BC, V6B 1G1
Indigenous-owned Businesses
Community Futures Central Interior First
Office: 250.828.9833
208-345 Chief Alex Thomas Way, Kamloops, BC V2H 1H1
Vancouver & Victoria Area
For businesses in the Lower Mainland, Greater Victoria and other locations outside of the listed service areas, there are resources to assist you with exporting.